phone books

美 [foʊn bʊks]英 [fəʊn bʊks]
  • n.电话号码簿
  • phone book的复数
phone booksphone books

phone books


  • 1
    N-COUNT 电话号码簿
    A phone book is a book that contains an alphabetical list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the people in a town or area.

  1. about all the phone books you said you needed ,


  2. Phone books have white , blue and yellow pages .


  3. The original vision of Notes included on-line discussion , email , phone books , and document databases .


  4. A personal identification number which provides access to protected areas of the SIM e. g. barred phone books .


  5. I can get 2 phone books without charge from the phone company . Our telephone number and fax wil remain unchanged .


  6. Unlike the days of expensive industry phone books and fax machines , anyone today can build meaningful relationships through real human interactions globally using technology .


  7. Put a pile of heavier books like phone books or hardbound novels or text books on top of the book holding the leaves .


  8. In this ledger was made out an exact balance-sheet of his affair 's. I can get 2 phone books without charge from the phone company .


  9. We are all very familiar with the system of alphabetization - we see it every day in phone books , online directories , and a variety of other places .


  10. Magazines once the size of phone books are now pamphlet-thin as advertising recedes and consumers decamp to the blogosphere .


  11. Put a pile of heavier books like phone books or hardbound novels or text books on top of the book holding the leaves . Set them aside in a dry area and let them press dry and flat for 2 weeks .


  12. The application then helps users populate their contact lists using existing entries in their cell phone address books .


  13. Bezos said users can use Firefly , which has its own designated button on the side of the device , to scan phone numbers , books and even works of art to get information and save it on the phone .


  14. He has a phone . Paper . Books . But , since Judith Viorst 's story was first published in 1972 , no computer .
